Sunday, July 24, 2011

Project 52: Week 28 & 29

The theme for Week 28 is Sweet Relief. I like that the themes are broad enough that you can take the literal meaning or go somewhere totally outside the box and creative. I tend to stick with a more literal meaning, but looking through the Flickr group is so inspiring!

Okay, this one was taken a day early, but that's what busy weeks do to you...I forget to take pictures sometimes! This fits so well I'm just going to bend the rules anyways. Not like it's my first time exactly :P This was taken in Bannerman Park while I was on the swingset, just being childish and having too much fun at a playground. So needs to happen more this summer!

Week 29's photo is "Get In Close". Being that I'm a huge fan of macro photography, it surprised me that I didn't end up doing something macro. I had a photo taken in mind, but due to it being on my Mom's camera I don't have access to the file! This one summarizes my weekend home though. I was out for the MIL's 50th birthday. Lots of family to meet, lots of pictures taken, very few outfit shots (though I was bringing my A-game to impress the in-laws). I can't help but always take pictures of the decorations, and that's where this came from!

Til next time! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

47. Things on my mind...

I'm annoyed because I have to study. Too annoyed. There's about 3 weeks left to my term, my last midterm is tomorrow, and then 5 finals to do one right after the other. I'll be taking a short hiatus on blogging. Studying comes first unfortunately. Cannot wait to get back to another workterm in the fall to have more time to blog and comment and read all of my favourite blogs!

In honour of my persistent annoyed state, or maybe despite it, I decided to make a list of 5 things that I need to be grateful and happy about. And things I can look forward to once this stupid semester is over!

1. Newfoundland's cool summer. This can sometimes be the most frustrating one. Below is the forecast for the next week. For those Americans reading, that means the highest temperature that I'm going to be seeing in the near future is 68 F. I need to love this fact, as I can't change it. The bright side is I don't have to worry about melting or not sleeping cause I'm too warm. This is a good thing. And I get to wear all my pretty sweaters all year round. Also good, right?

2. I'm almost finished another semester. This is also quite frustrating, not the being almost finished but the semester itself. I was told summer semester was death and I've realized that is very true. At least I'm almost done. Only 2 required courses after these 5, and even if I'm doing kind of crappy I'm still passing. With a B. A low B, but I take what I can get when historically a lot of people fail out from this term.

3. Boyfriend is still home. He drives me insane sometimes. I love him dearly, but he's a boy. That's just how it goes. But having him home is such a good thing because he takes care of the cleaning and basic running of the house while I study and go to school. I forget to eat and shower and take care of basic human functions at times like this. He will keep me going, make me eat and stay out of my way when I'm on a studying induced rage. I treasure this boy, and need reminding about how awesome he is sometimes.

4. I see my parents all the time. My parents have been back and forth a lot in the last few months. Dad's on dialysis now and thankfully for now it's working. I don't like that I hadn't been home in so long, but I get to see them alot. Being an only child makes me a giant sook. Their trips in may not be for good reasons, but Dad's health sucks and I have to look at the bright side of that one: he's doing alright for now and I get to spend more time with both of them.

5. I get a summer vacation. It may be short, but I get to have one between semester and my workterm. I don't know where I'll be working, but I know some of the things I'm going to do in my time off. Driving across NL to see my Grandma is one of the better ones. I haven't been to my Mom's hometown about 8 years, and since then a lot has changed. I'm looking forward to going back and seeing everything in a different perspective. And I can't forget September. I'll be working by that point but boyfriend and I are going to see Keith Urban in Toronto. He's so excited, it's adorable. I'm pretty excited too. This will actually be our first trip, just the two of us. Haven't been on one of those outside NL yet. Should be interesting.

I need to stop my complaining sometimes. All these things rock! And to study!

Til next time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

46. Cause today I don't feel like doing anything, nothing at all

I'm having a thing for song lyrics in titles lately. This is not a good road to go down, I love too many songs and know too many lyrics. Also, warning. I liked most of these pictures so this is photo heavy...slightly.

dress - old navy / cardi - target / white tank - bluenotes / sandals - havianas

I love warm days. Considering this was the first stretch of nice weather this year, it was good to get out and enjoy it! About 25 celsius that day I think, we never really reach more than 30 degrees here (for you American folk, that translates about high 70s to low 90s. that's as hot as it gets..ever). Dresses are very necessary even when by the coast, where it cools down a little more. Everyone gravitates towards the water, and the many beaches around the Avalon.

We ended up getting lunch before lounging on the rocky beach. Local take-out with some of the best fresh fish there is. Cod is the only fish I eat, the only seafood in fact. It's all I would need to eat lol. Feast on some of those pictures, and just try to tell me you aren't hungry!

nom'ing it up.
so unhealthy. so so delicious.
boyfriend retrieving a rock for me. I'm difficult. 

I think I'm gonna have to go visit that take-out again. I'm partially drooling. Lovely.

Til next time!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Project 52: Week 27

I really am taking the pictures on time, I swear. I just keep forgetting to upload!

Week 27 was Nature's Finest. Being from Newfoundland, I can't go far without being reminded how beautiful this province is. The day the theme was released was super hot for NL standards, and thus me and the boy were out driving around. We stopped in St. Phillips where he snapped this shot. The water is freezing and it is the Atlantic, but it is still so clear and pure. And it smells so good.

Clearly you can see this beach is not typical. Very rocky. Outfit post from this day to follow!

Til next time!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

45. Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones / Turn into something beautiful

you'll have to excuse the self-captures today.
truest color of the tank

betcha didn't know I was basically a vampire, eh?
I sparkle in the sun, I swear :)

I really want to like the color yellow. Its so bright and happy and cheery. But, being as pale as I am it does not work with my complexion, or at least the majority of the shades. I'm working on incorporating more yellow into my wardrobe, even with accessories, but today I chose to use my singular yellow item (which coincidentally was also included in my first EBEW, but wasn't too visible). I got this just cause it was on sale, it's comfy, and I do really like the color. With my blonder hair as of recently, it looks considerably better on me than previous attempts at yellow. I'm going to go on a yellow hunt for maybe a skirt or scarf or purse? Definitely going to take some style advice from all of these lovely ladies participating in EBEW. Such a great event!

Check out everyone else at Everybody Everywear! There's some awesome takes on this bright color!

Yellow | Everybody, Everywear

P.S. Shameless song reference in my title? Maybe. One of my favourite songs ever? Definitely.

Til next time!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

44. You're a firework!

I had SUCH an awesome weekend. Really. It was so good. Lots of fun activities with awesome friends. Hoping to post some pictures soon, since they're so awesome! Did I mention it was awesome?

cardi - tommy / tee - f21 / jeans - bluenotes / flats - EF tour in Nice :)
A little blurry :(

I love these shoes so much.
This is a super late Canada Day post. Somewhat ironically I posted just after that, but this is what I wore that day. A little more 4th of July than anything, but I don't like to look too holiday themed. A red-coral tee with red flats works with the national colors, but toning it down with the cardigan keeps me from looking too cheesy. Good look, I think! A little blurry and a bit too dark for these pictures, but me and the Boy were on the way to fireworks. Such a good nighttttt.

Love this. I've never taken fireworks pictures with my Nikon, but they didn't work out too bad. A success overall. :)

Til next time!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

43. More studying...I thought this was over?

I don't know about what it is with midterms.  It seems like every term, midterm week comes and goes but the midterms never stop! I've got one this week and another in a couple weeks. Really, what's the point? Blech.

cardi - stitches / tank & jeans - f21 / sandals - sanuk

I sincerely like this outfit. I feel like the shirt is a little too blousy around the waist, but most things that have a waist tie at the natural waist usually are for me. I'm loving the print though. And also enjoying that this outfit was under $30 total! The sandals were a little more, bought by my parents which at Universal Orlando. They're made from recycled yoga mats by Sanuk and they come in a bunch of colors now --> Yoga Mat Sandals. Basically the most comfy flip flops I own, with the spongy footbed and cloth strap. So nice for your feet. Mine aren't available anymore, but I still want another pair!  

Also pictured in this post, my lovely broken car. It keeps falling apart and that makes me unhappy. Another trip to the dealership for this little Aerio!

Off to do more studying sadly. Hope Canada Day/July 4th was great for all of you, depending on which country you're in!

Til next time!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Project 52: Week 26

This one's basically on time! Finally!

So, Week 26 is Hidden Objects. I decided to include a picture I took yesterday while boyfriend and his buddies were out having a kick. They may look like soccer players, young energetic men but in reality they are hiding the truth: they're all useless and lazy :)

Hehehe. I kid, they're all pretty good. But playing hungover never helps anyone lol.

Til next time!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Project 52: Week 25

So, another week that's slightly related to food. This week's theme is Crave. I'm craving summer, and heat, and relaxation, and all things summer-related (and soft serve ice cream from my Dad's convenience store but that's yet to happen...I want to go hommeeeeee) so this is definitely summing up my cravings!

Anyways, here's my contribution for this week! Technically it's last week, but I think I'll have this week's picture done soon. I know I always say that, but I try, and that's what counts right?

hot dogs for supper. no sun, but at least it tastes like summer.

Til next time!