Bad pun, I know. I've recently fallen in love with sequins. Of all styles and shapes, and basically all colors. You can imagine my dismay when I started looking for sequins to add to my wardrobe and found things that weren't up to par. Covered in mesh sequins aren't shiny enough for me! Then I found this little gem. It comes in hot pink too, so I may have to go get that one too, but one shiny skirt is a giant step for me.
jacket - Mavi / shirt - J.Crew / skirt - Rio / necklace - gifted, "raw" / flats - Clarks
The same pose at different sizes, because it was cold. I love love love the shimmer of this when I walk. I'm slightly hoping that it's sold out by now in local stores, since the same supplier is used for several versions of this store. I'm home for the holidays and there's a tendency for everyone to be wearing the same thing. Praying that doesn't happen, but the other girls will likely be wearing trashier versions of this if such an encounter occurs. I keep it real modest, except for the fact that I'm showing the vast majority of my legs, which was just because my tights are dirty. Tights + winter = Happy Samantha.
If you haven't realized it, today is
EBEW day! I love these themes so much. Plus it gave me an excuse to buy sequins instead of just fawning over every tank I've seen in the last 3 weeks (I have literally looked at every sequined piece in the local mall. Every. Single. One). Yay for Christmas and sequins!
P.S. my brain is clearly off for the holidays. I have the best red sequined shoes ever, and forgot that they're sequined while thinking about this theme. Oh well, Merry Christmas to me!
Til next time!