Thursday, December 22, 2011

113. Waterproof

I've been doing some researching, and the weather forecasts I've seen for England are actually pretty reassuring. Reassuring in the sense that I already know what I'm in for. It rained 3 days last week and it's been damp since then. I'm used to the wet-cold so I think I'll be able to handle it pretty well. Lots of layers of knits, long sleeves, and jackets are necessities. These picks, except for the umbrella and the Hunter wellies are from Gap & Old Navy, two of my favourite stores. The 1969 jeans are well worth the money, even though I always manage to find them on sale :)


Til next time! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

112. Classic

I have been a giant fan of J. Crew since discovering the brand through a few of my favourite blogs. I've very quickly become addicted to the clean preppy looks, full of luxurious fabrics and beautiful cuts and styles. I'm dying for cashmere sweaters and the iconic Jackie cardigan, along with the No. 2 pencil skirt that I see on many bloggers. I've ordered once and love the tees I got, but unfortunately because of unknown to me sizing, the blazer I bought ended up being too big. It's still super cute!
Luxury by samantha0516 featuring cashmere tops

Comments on my picks? I love how classic all of these styles are! Come back tomorrow for my next set!

Til next time!

Monday, December 19, 2011

111. Warmth

I'm dreaming of all things warm and cozy. I've got a few posts lined up for this week like this, while I bake with my Mom, of the kinds of clothes I plan on wearing on my trips and during my time in the UK. They center around a few of my most drool-worthy websites of course. This set centers around Modcloth, a website I fawn over on a regular basis but haven't ever ordered from. I love all of the pretty dresses and comfy looking sweaters, among many others. I may have to give in to my longing soon!

Warmth by samantha0516 featuring suede boots

Stay tuned for tomorrow's set!

Til next time!

Friday, December 16, 2011

110. Mind the gap!

So here's my announcement. It's still surreal to me and I'd make this post a jump through, but I didn't really feel like it haha. I've been hinting at it in the way that only I know, because I haven't shared it yet.

My soon to be campus!

In 3 weeks from today, I will be boarding a plane heading for London! Due to an unexpected cancellation, I was first on the wait-list and will now be attending my university's semester abroad at the MUN campus in Harlow England!!! I'm moving to England for 4 months! YAY!

Somewhat on a related note (did I mention I'm excited?) I plan on changing the focus of my blog a little, more to lifestyle and what happens with me from day to day. I've got a pretty good base built up here with my blog, so I'm going to share it with my family so I can post pictures and they can keep up with what I'm doing. There's lots of trips planned, including Ireland for St. Patrick's Day (!!!!!!!!) so I'll have lots to share. I'm hoping some of you will stay around, I love all of you for reading my blog for these past 11 months!

So, clearly as you can see, I'm soaking up as much time here at home before I leave and preparing myself for being in another country. The weather seems to be about the same as my normal weather patterns here in NL, so that part isn't making me worry much. But the packing! I don't know how I'll live without my closet. I have a feeling my slight remixing skills are going to come in handy.

If anyone's had any experience traveling internationally or has spent time in England, please leave any tips in the comments!

Til next time!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

109. I'm feeling world-ly...

All I want to wear is this striped shirt. Really. It's so perfect with everything I own and I want like 6 more copies. I feel so...European in it. Especially in this outfit. Like I should be a world traveler. Maybe soon? And look, poof! My hair is back! Haha clearly an outfit from last week. I'm trying to learn how to style the short without looking like a mushroom before I post any more pictures lol.

scarf - gift / shirt -Zara / skinnies - F21 / boots - Steve Madden

Sometimes I wonder how much Blogger hates me! My pictures never line up right. Gah.

Anyways, I love being home! It's so good. There's not much to talk about now. All the gifts are under the tree, I've been lazing around so much and taking advantage of it. I tried helping my Dad with some of the Christmas lights and things today. We're both stubborn with somewhat little patience. I had to drive his giant Tacoma truck with a trailer on the back, then reverse it into the yard. I don't know how to drive large vehicles, since mine is compact and can be put anywhere. It made for an interesting afternoon if nothing else.

More decorating around the house tomorrow so I'm told. Santa is everywhere and it makes me so happy! I might just do a post of my favourite decorations. That would be so good. More outfits to come hopefully, once I start putting on real clothes again haha.

Til next time!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

108. Watch me shine!

Bad pun, I know. I've recently fallen in love with sequins. Of all styles and shapes, and basically all colors. You can imagine my dismay when I started looking for sequins to add to my wardrobe and found things that weren't up to par. Covered in mesh sequins aren't shiny enough for me! Then I found this little gem. It comes in hot pink too, so I may have to go get that one too, but one shiny skirt is a giant step for me.

jacket - Mavi / shirt - J.Crew / skirt - Rio / necklace - gifted, "raw" / flats - Clarks

The same pose at different sizes, because it was cold. I love love love the shimmer of this when I walk. I'm slightly hoping that it's sold out by now in local stores, since the same supplier is used for several versions of this store. I'm home for the holidays and there's a tendency for everyone to be wearing the same thing. Praying that doesn't happen, but the other girls will likely be wearing trashier versions of this if such an encounter occurs. I keep it real modest, except for the fact that I'm showing the vast majority of my legs, which was just because my tights are dirty. Tights + winter = Happy Samantha.

If you haven't realized it, today is EBEW day! I love these themes so much. Plus it gave me an excuse to buy sequins instead of just fawning over every tank I've seen in the last 3 weeks (I have literally looked at every sequined piece in the local mall. Every. Single. One). Yay for Christmas and sequins!

Sequins + Sparkles | Everybody, Everywhere

P.S. my brain is clearly off for the holidays. I have the best red sequined shoes ever, and forgot that they're sequined while thinking about this theme. Oh well, Merry Christmas to me!

Til next time! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

107. Eggplant is definitely neutral.

I've come to realize I like skirts a lot. I like tights even more. Purple is not so out there when it comes to skirts as I now realize. If only I didn't hate being cold so much, I'd wear them much more. I suppose you can't win them all! Another slightly over-due work look, but quite a cute one so it still counts :) 

sweater - Mango / tee - Vera Wang from Kohl's / skirt - H&M / booties - Naturalizer

By the time you read this post, hopefully I'll be well on my way home. I'm heading out on the 3 1/2 hr drive, which with me driving by myself will take more like 4. So excited to be on the way out for Christmas. It's good little car has lots of room because I have lots of crap. Heheh. 

Things I notice about this outfit: I wear these boots too much too. I only wear black tights with dresses/skirts lately, and therefore usually wear these boots. I have no good black heels besides these. A sad fact. And I really really like this shirt with this skirt. It gets too stretched at the bottom when worn with jeans, but this creates a blouse-y effect that I'm quite enjoying.

I was hoping to have my announcement today, but I'm waiting on one last thing to be done then it will feel real. Excitement all around on my end.

Til next time!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

106. All these illusions just take us too long

My last week of work is finally over! Second work-term down and one more semester closer to the end! Oh that is such a nice thing to say. And the best thing about getting out of work earlier than I thought? I get to go on Monday! So happy! I've got a few work outfits left to post, so those are coming soon! Can't wait to start dressing up for Christmas parties either, I need to get some more sequins for them/the upcoming EBEW!

denim jacket - Mavi / dress - Samuel & Co / belt - unknown? / scarf - H&M / white tank - bluenotes? / booties - Naturalizer

Pictures are a little dark, but just look at the tree. Isn't it pretty? The belt fell down as I was taking these pictures, I tried to hide the empire waist line but it didn't work. Love this dress anyways. I don't know the brand, and I don't know where the belt or the tank is from that I'm wearing. Lots of unknowns in this outfit apparently.

What are your plans for the weekend? I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping, which is actually just picking up things for parents/boyfriend from combinations of parents/boyfriend's parents. And then doing some baking before I head home. Almost forgot I'm playing the gift-wrapping elf at my Aunt's production of "holy crap I don't have enough time to wrap everything". I learned my magical gift wrapping skills from her, but she always drops the ball hard on getting it done before Christmas Eve. Such is my family. Christmas is so much fuuuunnnnn.

Doing anything interesting? Are you totally on the ball and all ready for Christmas, or hoping it will all be painfree and quick?

Til next time!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

105. Interpret as you see fit!

I truly love these pants, but I think our relationship may be coming to an end. Or at least a halt for a while. Today's outfit brought to you by Kayla, Erica, and Amy who came up with this theme!


 I love love love this look, I thought I had a lot of similar pieces and while I do, I still like the above look more. I think it's the pants. Or the cream sweater. Or maybe just the whole combination...hmm... here's my take on it!

grey cropped sweater and red pants - H&M / striped shirt - Zara

So this is actually what I wanted to wear and not what I got to wear. These pants have to be replaced. They're so cute and I love the color, but the fit is so wrong. Too baggy in the crotch, for some reason. The cropped thing isn't so great for weather at this time of year either. Red skinnies, I'm coming for you.

I'm still figuring out details of my big announcement. Will hopefully be able to let you all know about it by early next week, if I can keep it in til then! Super excited that tomorrow is my last day of work, by the way. It's gonna be great to have time off work and school for a while. I love Christmas so intensely too. My childhood home always looks like Christmas threw up after my Mom decorates. It's great :D

Head on over to North Meets South to see the link up and how everyone else has been interpreting this awesome look!

Til next time!