Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 4: Classes

Oh laptop, sometimes you're dumb. Blogger usually autosaves every two minutes, and I had half a post written and lost it. Such is the internet, it's got good and bad points!

Monday is when all of the fun started. I decided to venture out with my new-found freedom and look for the Tesco. Little did I realize it wasn't the direction I started out in, and got a little lost. Not like, really lost, but lost enough to be confused and too stubborn to turn back to the main road. I did find the main road again eventually, after several turns. Once I made it back to the High, I decided asking for directions was much safer. I got led to the much longer route, but an easy route nonetheless. It was worth the extra walk to get food. Lugging that all back to campus? Not so fun. And just a note: don't try to cross at roundabouts. Avoid them if you're ever in England walking around. They're useless to cross because there's so many roads to cross and cars are going in many different directions!

Monday also marked my first time having wireless. So good. I came back with food, packed everything away and proceeded to sit on my bed and watch Grey's. Which apparently streams through ABC with no problem. And no glitches. Which is so lovely. I haven't tried Glee or ROD yet, which I don't think I'll be able to get, but I'll just have deal.

The rest of the crowd arrived in yesterday as well, just before supper. Which was quite awesome, though I forgot to take pictures of it. I'm a food picture person, completely. Having company was really nice, even walking to the Tesco again was fun cause I had someone to talk to. Honestly I've been so lonely it was nice just to hear people around me.

Today was the first day of classes, thus the title. Our speaker series started, which was interesting. We had a couple of hours to research and present a project, based on one of our courses. Slightly stressful for my group members but I enjoyed. It's a very unstructured class schedule so far. I think that's probably going to continue, and I get free time tomorrow! I've already done one of the courses, so I'll probably nap. It's going to be great haha.

I think that's about all for today, all the other students are trying to get food and get organized after traveling for a week. I feel much better about not being up on things, since I've had time to get situated. In the meantime, things are going well and I'm enjoying it now. So, here's a few pictures of my adventures so far! P.s. this is a picture heavy post, so click through to see everything, with captions!

Last look at NL til April!

sitting in Montreal airport. Alone.

my two purses, one stuffed inside the other. carry-on not including suitcase!

Plane food. surprisingly good.

free wine? yes please!

puss in boots, one of several movies to occupy me.

first look at London

view from bus, on the way to Harlow

facing the beds.

sitting with all my stuff

first time at the High, on Sunday.

mini grocery haul from the Co-operative

first cup of tea since arriving.

what I spent my weekend doing. that, and sleeping. 

walking to what I thought was the Tesco.

smiling, though I was actually about to get lost.

the Green Man. Boyfriend's hotel when he comes over!

real food, lunch at the High

on the way back from Tesco, had to walk so far! 

giant grocery bag.

happy to have food, strained face for carrying heavy bags.
after people got back, walking the shorter route to Tesco.

walking back with groceries. oh the fun.

my taped up peanut butter. so good to have.

And that's all for now! I didn't take any pictures today actually, so more to come in the next couple of days. Everyone else is out planning trips for the weekend, but I'm blogging. I'm cool like that. I figure since I'm so used to it, this is a better way to keep track of it all. And so much easier too lol. 

Til next time!

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