Thursday, December 1, 2011

102. We're falling apart to half time.

This, if you can believe it, is what I wore on my sick day. The day I took off of work because I felt like crap with the flu. And still managed to go outside because my mother forced me. I don't look sick luckily, which is pretty nice when you feel that bad!

cardi - Samuel & Co / shirt - Gap, on sale for $2.97! / jeans - Stitches / boots - Spring
I just realized, as I have known for a while, that my work computer distorts the color of everything. I knew it was bad, but looking at these pictures they look so so dark, and I wonder how bad my posts have been when I write them from here. Sorry for that, first off. 

I took a sick day last week, before our giant snowstorm. It was a flu, that much I'm convinced of, but then it morphed into a cold which is currently hanging on to my throat/sinuses. I've tried singing in my car, because that's just what I do, and my vocal cords start to hurt. Not so fun. If this continues I'm going to be very unhappy, what with Christmas coming up.

In awesome news, it's December! I'm finally free to listen to all the Christmas music I want. So happy. My tree has been up since last week, I still have presents to buy, and I get to go home extra soon. Life is good. How are your preparations coming, Christmas or other winter holidays? I'm looking for stocking stuffer suggestions since they're always hard to think of. Any suggestions?

Til next time!

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