Monday, September 26, 2011

75. I always show up late to the party.

This is a double pun, I promise you. If boyfriend read my blog, if he knew about my blog, he would laugh because I am always late. It's a family thing. I've managed to make myself punctual but it's a long and hard process.

 *apologies for the pictures being wonky, I'm posting from work!*

Cardi - Samuel & Co / Polka-dotted top - Jacob / Pants - Espirit / Necklace - Gifted from BF / Headband - no idea.

The other side of the pun? I'm finally joined the polka dot party, which I've been lusting after since at least OCTOBER's EveryBodyEveryWear (the caps are necessary, I put in February first then realized how dumb and ridiculously stubborn I am. Really, I took 11 months to find a shirt?!?) The problem is I'm incredibly picky about my clothes. I wanted polka dots and did not settle for just any polka dots.

This was a perfect find for me, at a store I'm now realizing I really love. I didn't realize how much I loved  Jacob, in fact, until I saw it again in Toronto. I went to one in Moncton but didn't take the time to search it, since Mexx was next door. I have a semi-one track mind when I shop.

I'm excited to start breaking out my sweaters and boots, since fall is definitely coming in. It was actually warm this past weekend, which was strange but good. Should have gotten those sundresses out, I still have two with tags attached from my trip in April (yes, April. I know.) I can't figure out how to style either one, so I'm asking for your help! Stay tuned, I'll be posting pictures of each dress later this week!

Til next time!

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