Friday, September 16, 2011

71. Lunch break fun

I've slowly been incorporating new pieces into my wardrobe. I actually bought this sweater at Old Navy here in town, but didn't wear it because of the actual warm weather we were having. Once I realized that it was nice outside but freezing in my office, my aversion to sweaters began to stop.

Sweater - Old Navy / Pants - Smart Set / Shoes - Spring

I really love this sweater. I love green, and stripes, so it's a pretty great combo for me. I had it in blue striped, but with the addition of a similar cut blue sweater I decided to exchange for this one. Good choice I think.

These were taken yesterday with my Blackberry at a park next to the lake, only a 5 minute drive from my office. Boyfriend came to get me, we went to Booster Juice then found the park and had a little swing. A good way to get a little fresh air and sun. It was the calm before the storm, as I'm currently facing a Category One hurricane outside. Maria is not nice. She's supposed to hit about 3:30pm NL time, so about 4 hours from now. The winds are expected to be 130km/h, with gusts almost up to 160km/h. Oh the joys of September in NL. I was going to post a picture of the storm track, but Blogger is being contrary and a quick Google search gives you the same results. If you're curious, I'm on the very eastern peninsula of NL. The one where the weather watches all say "Hurricane Warning". It's a lovely day, sure.

Here's hoping all the roads stay in one piece! P.s. check in on Monday, I've got a big change coming up!

Til next time!

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