Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30. EBEW: Florals.

So another round of EBEW! I love florals even though there aren't enough of them in my wardrobe. Second day back to classes, on a nice day no less, deserved some bright colors. I'm pretty sure it's spring now. Almost certain. On a side note, I love the first picture. I'm terribly blonde now, and this shows it well in the sunlight. You likey?

old navy scarf / green cable sweater - ae / blue shirt under - f21 / jeans - bluenotes

I had a few fake flowers around the house, had to get them involved since it's not actually warm enough for real flowers yet. The laundry on the line makes me so happy. My mother uses clotheslines whenever possible. I am seeing lots of it lately and loving it!

Head on over to EBEW to see more floral inspiration! I love seeing how everyone interprets it. It perks my creativity and my shopping habit. Maybe the second one's not such a good thing...

Til next time!

Florals | Everybody, Everywear

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