Monday, May 30, 2011

36. A little bit of awesome.

I was lying in bed last night, and I started thinking about my blog. I had been thinking about starting a blog for a while before I did it. I've been reading at least a few fashion/style/etc blogs for a couple of years. Mostly I didn't think I'd have much to say even though there are a million things going through my head at any one time. But then I started this and I got really into it. Maybe I like knowing that someone else is reading what I say. Either way, I think I'm bored with posting. I don't know what I should post, or how often, or what to do exactly. I want to grow my blog and know that people are reading it, but that shouldn't be my sole purpose. I want to put something out there that can at the very least be interesting to someone. I'm in my growth stage and it's hit a minor roadblock. 

In honour of this minor blip on my radar, here's a few things that I think are just awesome because sometimes you just need that. Sarah at Just Take a Bow did something similar on her last post, and I think I'm going to expand on it in my own way. Similar to the link lists I did last month, here's a few sites to check out if you need a little boost.

  • 1000 Awesome Things: Without a doubt one of the best websites to go to when you need a little pick-me-up. Neil points out little things, sometimes insightful and sometimes just funny, that make you realize how awesome life can be. 
  • Cute Overload:  If you haven't visited Cute Overload before, you sincerely need to. The abundance of cute from basically every type of animal is something that can cheer anyone up if you look at it long enough. Somewhat related, if you like cats, is I can has Cheezburger. Another ridiculously hilarious collection of photos.
  • Love Gives Me Hope: If you don't mind a little cheese-tastic indulgence, this is another great site. I've posted a similar one before, but this is pretty good too. It's got all kinds of cute, gushy, mushy stories about people just being sweet. Something to make you go aww, in the best ways.
  • Crazy Things Parents Text: This is not safe to read anywhere that you can't laugh out loud. I literally have laughed so hard I cried. Auto correct is good for phone blunders, but this is just hilarious. Click here for one of my all time favourites. 
  • GoodMorning and GoodNight: I don't know why I don't follow this site regularly. I basically love everything I see on there, and yet I always forget about it. Weird. Another great mix of links. 
That's it for now. Off to get ready for class, then home to study some more. 8 chapters of Law, at least 4 of HRM, and endless problems of Mgmt Science to complete. Hopefully I won't be too screwed for next week when all the tests come to kill me!

Til next time!

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