Tuesday, March 15, 2011

13. Gleek.

Being a gigantic Gleek, I am super excited for tonight's episode, "Original Song"! It's Regionals people! In tribute to the episode and my favourite cast members, I've decide to compile some of my favourite outfits this week from my favourite characters, including Quinn and Emma. These ladies are styled wonderfully and always leave me wanting whatever they're wearing. We'll start with the resident drama queen.


Oh Miss Berry. I began my Glee romance with Rachel, fell in love with first the songs she was singing and then the clothes. Rachel's style is very preppy, with a hint of ecletic and crazy thrown in. Almost over the top preppy, but yet is kept balanced with all of the other characters. I've got many favourite outfits but can't remember them all, so mad screen-cap filled post it is! All images from leamicheleweb.org

She's been toned down, as seen in the progression from uber prep in the first half of season 1. Now it's a much more approachable style but still very Rachel. I'd probably wear it all anyways. Here's an approximation from the S02 Ep 13 "Comeback" outfit in the last picture! You can take it or leave it! Ha! (Not meant to be mean lol, that's the song she's singing in the picture :P)

$15 - walmart.com

$40 - schoolgirl-skirts.com

$178 - footnotesonline.com

$78 - katespade.com

Stay tuned for Emma and Quinn! Til next time!

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