Friday, February 4, 2011

Project 52: Week 1 & 2

Project 52 is this really cool thing started by a group of photographers, under MCP Actions. Lots of photoshop tutorials, which I don't have and probably wouldn't use, but the idea seemed to be pretty cool. You can check out the details here: Project 52 Blog. They have set guidelines to doing this, but as I didn't start til late, I'm not following them and catching up first. I'll actually start the guidelines tomorrow, as the week starts on Saturday. This means I have to take the Week 5 photo tonight...oh boy. I'm fitting that into my schedule when exactly?

As I said, I'm a little bit of a failure at keeping up on deadlines. But I did promise to finish all of January pictures by the end of it. And I did, for the most part. So, here's the first week.

Around the House - this is what I see in my window, every morning when I wake up and get myself out of bed. An almost sunrise and condensation from cold windows and warm rooms. Taken with my Blackberry Bold.

I've got the two done, but they're not being posted right now as they're on my home laptop.  I always feel so flustered about posting more than once a day, but in this case it makes sense. I want to catch up. In general though, I don't want to put too much out there every day. I started this blog only this week, and I feel like I have so many ideas for outfits and photos and posts that I have to pace myself. I'll probably start doing a weekly outfit round-up like I've seen on many other blogs. I really should, because the outfit I'm wearing today, I gotta say, it's adorable.

Does anyone else find this? Like you have too many ideas and too many things to say all at once?

Must go get lunch! I've been busy...yeah, right. I'm just hungry haha.

Til next time!

Edit: Here's the Week 2 picture!

Illustrate A Song - It's pretty simple. I love the Backstreet Boys, and I have for a very long time. Taken out of order, yes, but that's okay. A Valentine's heart in the window illustrates perfectly a favourite song of mine, for me to show you the "Shape of my Heart"

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