Tuesday, January 24, 2012

118. Pretty Things.

As a lover of all things sparkly and glittery, the latest blog-hop hosted by Gussy SewsMatchstick MollyMuch Love, Illy and The Letter 4 appeals to me like no other. I love seeing all of the pretty things from every participant. And so...much...glitter. I just keep writing "so prettyyyy" on everyone's posts! Original, I know. So for the link-up, here's some of the prettiest things that are on my mind this week! 

1 (left) missing my long hair
2 (top right) dreaming of sequins
3 (bottom right) needing more sweaters in my life

destinations for the next month!
4 (top left) london, which I've yet to fully explore
5 (top right) the english countryside
6 (bottom left) edinburgh, where I'm traveling with my Mom in February!
7 (bottom right) sunny southern Spain
So there's some of the pretty in my life, and my mind, right now! I'm looking at all kinds of trips for our midterm break, which is quite later than most. Excited to be preparing myself for my first trip to Spain next week. 

Head on over to the blog-hop, through the links above, to check out everyone's posts! The icon for the posting won't show up for me, but oh well!

Til next time!

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