Monday, October 17, 2011

81. Lazy?

Okay so I went comfy again. I can't help it, it's too cold in my office for dressy clothes. A little color blocking keeps it casual but work appropriate.

cardigan - bought by BF's mom, Old Navy / tee - Urban Planet / tank underneath - Bluenotes? / pants - American Eagle circa 2004?

Yes, you read that right. 2004. I'm pretty sure that's when it was anyways. It was mid-2000's. So old that if I tried to find this style ever again I would fail, which kinda sucks cause now that I've actually gotten into wearing them they're kinda nice. Faded navy but not just because they're old.

The cardigan is new and I tried to buy it myself, I did, but pseudo MIL wasn't having it. Boyfriend likes his financial independence and doesn't let his parents buy him stuff, so after helping the MIL pick out a couple of shirts (which I do often) she took this cardigan I'd been eyeing. I learned early it was easier to thank both of BF's parents for things instead of arguing. I still argue with him about getting me stuff though.

In honour of old pants, something I think I've seen somewhere recently. What's the oldest article of clothing you have, and still wear? These are tied with a pair of sneakers I have. The benefit of hitting growth spurts in early teen years was that everything still fits now! I hope this trend continues haha.

Til next time!

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